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{ "Id": 4963, "Name": "Super B Epsilon lithium batteri 12,8V 90Ah 1200Wh", "Url": "/brands/superb/super-b-epsilon-lithium-batteri-12-8v-90ah-1200wh", "Url_List": [ "/brands/superb/super-b-epsilon-lithium-batteri-12-8v-90ah-1200wh", "/mobility/li-ion-batterier/super-b-epsilon-lithium-batteri-12-8v-90ah-1200wh" ], "UrlSlug": "super-b-epsilon-lithium-batteri-12-8v-90ah-1200wh", "ParentId": 3636, "ParentId_List": [ 3636, 5414 ], "ParentName": "SuperB", "ParentUrl": "/brands/superb", "TemplateName": "Shop template", "Module_Alias": "Product", "Module_ID": 1844, "Enabled": true, "ReleaseDate": "2021-07-12T16:33:00", "ExpiryDate": "2199-12-12T23:59:00", "SiteSearchKeywords": [], "Description": "Super B Epsilon lithium batteri med 12V 90Ah, som kan erstatte blybatterier\n\nEgenskaber:\n\n•Traktionsbatteri\n\n•Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4)\n\n•Med indbygget BMS (Battery Management System)\n\n•Integreret beskyttelse mod kortslutning\n\n•CAN / LIN / Bluetooth interface for batteri monitoring\n\n•Batteri monitoring/ history storage\n\n•Batteri monitor app for iOS and Android\n\n\n\nVelegnet til brug i campervogn.\n\n\n\nPerformance\n\n•High capacity (can power coffee machines, airco and other devices that could not be powered from traditional batteries)\n\n•Low weight (-20kg compared to lead acid)\n\n•High cycle count, up to 5000 cycles\n\n•Low maintenance\n\n•One on One replaceable with AGM/GEL lead acid batteries\n\n•High discharge current, 200A continious, 350A pulse (30s)\n\n•>96% efficiency means more efficient (solar) charging and using almost all available energy\n\n•Low self-discharge of ~10% a year", "Weighting": 1, "DisableForSiteSearch": false, "SKUCode": "12090Epsilon", "SmallImage": "/img/products/12090Epsilon.png", "LargeImage": "", "OnSale": false, "IsGiftVoucher": false, "ProductWeight": 0.0, "ProductWidth": 0.0, "ProductHeight": 0.0, "ProductDepth": 0.0, "EnableDropShipping": false, "UnitType": "False", "MinimumUnits": 0, "MaximumUnits": 0, "RecurringType": "None", "IsShippable": false, "IsDownloadable": false, "NumberOfPossibleDownloads": 0, "Supplier": 0, "Price": 12600.0000, "PriceHtml": "12.600,00", "priceWithTax": 12600.00, "priceWithTaxHtml": "12.600,00", "RecommendedPriceWithTax": 0.0, "RecommendedPriceWithTaxHtml": "0,00", "RecommendedPrice": 0.0, "RecommendedPriceHtml": "0,00", "EnableInventoryControl": false, "HasGeneratedInventoryProducts": false, "InStockHtml": "", "IsHide": false, "InStock": 0, "IsDisable": false, "taxRate": 0.0, "IsGroupedProduct": false, "decimalsQuantity": 2, "VolumeDiscount": [ { "Price": 12600.0000, "Quantity": 0 } ], "ProductDataJSON": { "itemId": 4963, "maximumUnits": 0, "minimumUnits": 0, "recommendedPrice": 0.0, "QuantityThreshold": [ { "Price": 12600.0000, "Quantity": 0 } ], "inStockTotal": null, "prices": { "0": 12600.0000 }, "enablePreOrder": false, "variations": null, "attributes": {}, "options": {}, "taxRate": 0.0, "taxInPercent": 0.0 }, "ProductDataJsonHTML": "", "CreatedByMemberId": "0", "ItemCategories": [], "ItemCategoryIdList": [], "ItemTags": [], "Author": 0, "Author_Name": "", "Author_Url": "", "Item_Rating": 0, "Custom1": "", "Custom2": "", "Custom3": "", "Custom4": "", "PopletImage1": "", "PopletImage2": "", "PopletImage3": "", "PopletImage4": "", "PopletImage5": "", "PopletImage6": "", "PopletImage7": "", "PopletImage8": "", "PopletImage9": "", "PopletImage10": "", "CaptureDetails": false, "CommissionPayable": "0", "ShowPageForSearchEngine": true, "MetaTitle": "", "SEOTitle": "", "MetaDescription": "", "CanonicalLink": "", "SocialMetaTags": "", "SeoPriority": 0.5, "EnableAMP": false, "AMPContent": "", "OpenGraphProperties": { "title": "", "type": "", "url": "", "locale": "", "image": "" }, "ExternalId": 0, "Params": {} }
{ "Id": 4965, "Name": "Super B lithium 13,2V 13,8Ah SB12V15P-EC", "Url": "/brands/superb/SB12V15P-EC", "Url_List": [ "/brands/superb/SB12V15P-EC", "/mobility/li-ion-batterier/SB12V15P-EC" ], "UrlSlug": "SB12V15P-EC", "ParentId": 3636, "ParentId_List": [ 3636, 5414 ], "ParentName": "SuperB", "ParentUrl": "/brands/superb", "TemplateName": "Shop template", "Module_Alias": "Product", "Module_ID": 1844, "Enabled": true, "ReleaseDate": "2021-07-12T16:33:00", "ExpiryDate": "2199-12-12T23:59:00", "SiteSearchKeywords": [], "Description": "13,2 Volt 13,8 Ah Lithium Ion batteri.\n\nSuper B Lithium batterier er kvalitetsprodukter baseret på lithium jern fosfat (LFP) teknologi. Batteriet er fremstillet med kasse, og låg ABS plast.\n\nTypiske anvendelsesområder for dette produkt:\n\n• Racer biler\n\nFordele:\n\n• Hurtigere genopladning*\n\n• Lang levetid*\n\n• Mindre volume*\n\n• Mindre vægt*\n\n• Lav selvafladning*\n\n* versus bly-Syre batterier", "Weighting": 0, "DisableForSiteSearch": false, "SKUCode": "8718531360044", "SmallImage": "/img/products/SB12V15P-EC.png", "LargeImage": "", "OnSale": false, "IsGiftVoucher": false, "ProductWeight": 0.0, "ProductWidth": 0.0, "ProductHeight": 0.0, "ProductDepth": 0.0, "EnableDropShipping": false, "UnitType": "False", "MinimumUnits": 0, "MaximumUnits": 0, "RecurringType": "None", "IsShippable": false, "IsDownloadable": false, "NumberOfPossibleDownloads": 0, "Supplier": 0, "Price": 4713.0000, "PriceHtml": "4.713,00", "priceWithTax": 4713.00, "priceWithTaxHtml": "4.713,00", "RecommendedPriceWithTax": 0.0, "RecommendedPriceWithTaxHtml": "0,00", "RecommendedPrice": 0.0, "RecommendedPriceHtml": "0,00", "EnableInventoryControl": false, "HasGeneratedInventoryProducts": false, "InStockHtml": "", "IsHide": false, "InStock": 0, "IsDisable": false, "taxRate": 0.0, "IsGroupedProduct": false, "decimalsQuantity": 2, "VolumeDiscount": [ { "Price": 4713.0000, "Quantity": 0 } ], "ProductDataJSON": { "itemId": 4965, "maximumUnits": 0, "minimumUnits": 0, "recommendedPrice": 0.0, "QuantityThreshold": [ { "Price": 4713.0000, "Quantity": 0 } ], "inStockTotal": null, "prices": { "0": 4713.0000 }, "enablePreOrder": false, "variations": null, "attributes": {}, "options": {}, "taxRate": 0.0, "taxInPercent": 0.0 }, "ProductDataJsonHTML": "", "CreatedByMemberId": "0", "ItemCategories": [], "ItemCategoryIdList": [], "ItemTags": [], "Author": 0, "Author_Name": "", "Author_Url": "", "Item_Rating": 0, "Custom1": "", "Custom2": "", "Custom3": "", "Custom4": "", "PopletImage1": "", "PopletImage2": "", "PopletImage3": "", "PopletImage4": "", "PopletImage5": "", "PopletImage6": "", "PopletImage7": "", "PopletImage8": "", "PopletImage9": "", "PopletImage10": "", "CaptureDetails": false, "CommissionPayable": "0", "ShowPageForSearchEngine": true, "MetaTitle": "", "SEOTitle": "", "MetaDescription": "", "CanonicalLink": "", "SocialMetaTags": "", "SeoPriority": 0.5, "EnableAMP": false, "AMPContent": "", "OpenGraphProperties": { "title": "", "type": "", "url": "", "locale": "", "image": "" }, "ExternalId": 0, "Params": {} }
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